Friday, November 18, 2011

What is the best way to save money after the wedding?

My Fiancee and I are looking to get married in April of 2009. Starting in december of this year, he will be finishing with school and his current job has offered him a job at 55,000 a year. I will still be only making about 15,000 at the time. Our wedding right now looks like it will be costing us about 30,000. We will be able to afford the wedding/honeymoon without having to take out a personal loan.

However, this means that we might have to live with my parents for a few months to save money before we go to find a place of our own. He likes the idea of living here together for a while becuase it will give us a chance to get organized and pack the things that we are going to take/get rid of the things we will not take. etc... plus, my parents would not charge rent of any kind.

The other option is to find somewhere to rent.. Is renting a better idea? I dont see how it is possible to save money for a home while renting.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

What is the best way to save money after the wedding?
Why not try saving up enough to buy a house first? but then is it really that important that you have a 30K wedding? What are people going to remember, that you had an expensive wedding, or that you are still married 10 years down the road.

If buying a house is really that important (and it is the single best investment you can make in life) then you should focus more on that then on having a 30K wedding and honeymoon.

The wedding is one day, you guys can take a trip anytime you want after you are married.
Reply:Forget saving, start making
Reply:This is outside the scope of your question, but you could scale the wedding back. That would put you in a great way. One area where you can save a lot of money is photography--call the local college to find an art/photography student who will take your wedding pictures. Many of them will do it for $500 + food drink, and you will own all the negatives!

Living with parents is stressful, especially for a new marriage. A few hundred dollars off the wedding, and you can easily afford your rent.

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